Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Happy Anniversary!

Twenty years ago I was a 17 year old Senior in High School fixing to be married!
Tim and I had been boyfriend and girlfriend since I was 12 and he was 14. We had two break ups along the way....or maybe I should just say he dumped me twice!! lol When we got back together in October 1989 we knew it would be forever. Not long after, Tim asked me to marry him and I said yes! Our plan was to be married after I graduated. I remember going a picking out our first house...They told us it would take 5 or 6 months before it would be ready for us to move in. It was all falling into place.....Well guess what???? It didn't take that long and our house was ready in January 1990. Tim was able to move in but I couldn't! Well of course I wanted to be over there all the time....Well let me just say my mother put me in my place...She said "as long as you live with me you will not go over there and play house until you are married!!!" Me being the "ANGELIC" teenage daughter looked at her and said "Fine I will just get married now!" Her response was "Fine get married now!" Three weeks later on February 17, 1990 I walked down the isle to the man of my dreams!! You can imagine the rumors that went around! I had adults telling me that I had made the biggest mistake of my whole life and that the marriage would not last a year! As you can see they were very wrong!
I will say that it has not always been easy and we have had many ups and downs! I can also say that if I had it to do over again I would not change one thing!!

My mother has later told me in my adult years that she prayed everyday for me to find the man GOD had for me.....She told me that she knew it was Tim and that is why it was easy for her to let me get married while I was still in high school.
Tim and I have always tried to make sure GOD was always part of our marriage. This doesn't mean we always did the right thing it just means that when we needed HIM we knew HE was there.

I thank GOD for Tim and for the life GOD has allowed us to have. We have been Blessed more than we deserve. We have two beautiful daughters that fill us with so much love & joy.

Tim....I love you more than I could ever say! Thank you for the life you have provided for me! I wouldn't change one thing....well maybe I would make you a Memphis fan but that is all!! :0)

Happy Anniversary and I look forward to the next 20!!!


beth spray said...

HAPPY 20TH!!! what a testimony to GOD'S faithfulness!! hope you enjoy the next 20 years just as much!!! miss you guys!!!

Anonymous said...

wow...that is awesome. i was so young myself i didnt realize that you were still in high school when you two got married. god is truley good all the time. hope you two have many more years of happiness together! love you all =)