Thursday, July 19, 2007

Silly Silly Girls!!!!

I just had to show everybody this pictures. Ava Grace already knows that her Nanny is a big goofball!! :o)

Avery and Ava Grace
are ready to go with
Nanny and Poppy to
church. Are they not
little dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The girls really do love each other. It is just

rare that they show it!! I thought I better

get a picture of it.

Lauren wanted her picture made by the

stinky potty!! Why? Who knows. She is a



Phillips said...

I love it!! You did a great job.

beth spray said...

Good job!!
Okay -- that picture of Ava Grace is a HOOT!!!!!!
I can't wait to see the new pictures as you blog!!
Love the picture of Lauren and Morgan being sweet to each other - they are precious girls!!!