Saturday, January 3, 2009

the LAST one

Okay...I know some of you may think I am crazy for this post, but I really wanted to share it!!

Last night Tim and I got home from the football game and Morgan was complaining of a toothache. She told me she had been trying to pull her tooth all day and could not get it to come out. Let me give you some quick history....Tim has not ever pulled one of our girls teeth. I have always been the tooth puller!! Okay back to the story...I told Morgan to let me wiggle it....Well she started screaming you are going to trick me and pull it. I assured her that I was only going to wiggle it!! (I had my fingers crossed!!) I reach in wiggle and then I pull!!! OUT comes the tooth!!!! Well....Morgan is soooooooo MAD!! She told me...I knew you were going to trick me!! Tim is laughing at her and she looks at him and says...what are you laughing at Little MS. Chicken who has never pulled a tooth, and then she leaves the room. Tim and I are laughing sooooo hard. I am sitting there laughing my head off when I realize this was her last baby tooth. I will never have to pull one of her teeth again. Furthermore I will never pull any teeth!!!

I know some of you may be thinking big deal...Well it is!! This is just another sign that my kids are growing up too fast!! Please enjoy every minute you have with your kids...Even if it is pulling a tooth!!! :0)


beth spray said...

aaawwww this brought tears to my eyes! it is a HUGE deal!! wow! hope the "tooth fairy" was good to her since you tricked her!!!! heehee

Nanny said...

Amen!! They will be grown and gone before you can blink an eye! Then you will be left with peace and quiet 24/7. Cherish every minute while you can.

Shelly said...

I want to know did the tooth fairy come? HaHa!