Thursday, October 18, 2007

out Sick

This is me icing my swollen lip!! No... Tim did not hit me! There is a missing front tooth behind that ice pack. Maybe one day I will post a picture of me with the missing tooth. Right now I don't think it is very funny. I will say I do give new meaning to the word Hillbilly!!

Well.... I was supposed to go to my parents last weekend but it did not work out that way. I had mouth surgery and was not able to go. Shelly, Brad and the girls went. Shelly said Avery loved feeding the horses behind Nanny & Poppy's house. The neighbors also have goats and a big white fluffy dog. Shelly said Ava Grace did not share her sisters feelings on all of the nasty animals!! :0)

Shelly also wanted me to know that even though Tim was not there, she was able to get a picture of him. Turned out pretty good!!

1 comment:

beth spray said...

i don't care who you are --that's funny!! the picture of tim :0) -- not your tooth troubles!!! i hope you are feeling better! have fun at the zoo! i'll talk to you soon!